The Master Number 66

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According to Numerology, there are many numbers that have special qualities in it, some are mystical and some are intuitive. But the most powerful numbers are the master numbers. The master number has the power to change someone’s destiny and most commonly they are special in everyone’s case.
What are Master Numbers?
Master numbers are those numbers which are made with two or three similar number, and all the number which comes in this type have a special influence on human’s life. These master numbers have the power of two and three numbers which adds potential in each and everyone’s life who have the master number in their life.
People who have a master number with them are much likely to high intuitions, potential in them and intelligence as well.
Some major master numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and 66, etc.

Here we will share some interesting facts about the master 66 number.

This master number 66 brings transformation into someone’s life, brings Compassion, Justice, Positivity and life’s Perfection.
Number 66 is about the transformation of knowledge and wisdom within your life. If your life is connected with number 66 then it means you have the potential and balance inside you.
The experts of Numerology believe that this number is powerful with added potential because of the painting of the same number.
Any person possessing a master number is likely to have a heightened sense of intuition, potential or intelligence.

66 is the spiritual master number for Love. But more likely is all about:
• Discipleship
• Resurrection
• Spiritual Work
• Transformation
Now take it a step further:
66 = 6+6 = 12
12 = 1+2 = 3
So 66 reduces to 12 and 1+2 = 3 where 3 symbolizes creative perfection

So on the same hand, people with number 3 on their birth date have the same qualities just like master number 66.
Master number 66 also has some negative sides as well. On the negative side, the number sixty-six resonates with over-optimism, too outcome dependent, credulousness, idealistic, over-promising.
66 is also a higher state of 3 and knowing its inner workings might come in handy.

There is more master number which has a lot of hidden meanings inside them; all you have to do is understand them with the help of Numerology.
You can also understand numerology with the help of Numerology courses online at the Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore. Learn Numerology from the Institute of Vedic Astrology with an online distance learning correspondence course in Numerology and know the real meanings and mysteries behind the numbers.


Know some unknown facts about Palmistry with IVA-

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Palmistry is always an interesting subject to know about! It did not only give you interesting information yourself but it also gives you many deep secrets and insight into your life through your hands. Palmistry is the key through which you can have an insight into your past, present, and future with the help of your palm and palm lines.
Palmistry is different from every second futurology subject in many ways because just like other subjects like Astrology and Numerology, Palmistry does not need any information about you like birth date or a year or any other basic information it only needs your palm and palm lines.
Another interesting insight can be discovered in the palm of your hand. Open it and take a look at the lines. Four of those lines unveil secrets about our strengths, flaws, experiences, and where we are headed in life.
In the Institute of Vedic Astrology, we believe that Palmistry is the only subject that is simplest among all and easy to learn. Palmistry is the subject which also gives you the right information about your past.
Once the great Aristotle stated that the lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They emanate from heavenly influences and man’s own individuality.

There are many different sources, online websites and different author books are available in the market but the most authentic way of learning this kind of subject is opting for a particular course in Palmistry.
Here we are sharing some interesting and informational facts about Palmistry with you which are shared by our institute’s experts.

Some interesting facts about Palmistry: 

  • If your heart line is curved towards the index finger, then it shows you are outwardly affectionate.
  • If your heart line is close to your fingers, it means that you are passionate as well as sometimes a jealous kind of person.
  • If your headline is short it indicates that you are happy in getting physical achievements rather than mental ones.
  • If your headline is separated from your lifeline it shows that you crave adventure and are enthusiastic about life.
  • If you have a thick and straight lifeline then it indicates that you are suited for physical work-related activities or may be good at sports.
  • If you have a secondary line running parallel with the lifeline, it shows you have a very strong vitality.
  • If you have a broken lifeline then it means you will going to face unexpected accidents, disasters or illnesses during your whole life.
  • If you have a strong fate line it shows that we will be going to do well in your business or in any field in which you are going to work.

These were the facts only about the heart line, headline, lifeline, and fate line if you want to know more about different palms lines you can also learn about Palmistry in the Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore, from their online distance learning course which is specially designed in easy and understandable language. Join and learn the subject and know interesting facts about your life and palm lines.

People born in the Pausha Month

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Every person is curious about knowing about themselves. People are eager to know about themselves in many ways. But the best way to know about yourself is Astrology. Astrology is the only system and method through which one can know about themselves in much better ways. Every person has their own Astrology and Horoscope through which he can get to know themselves in a detailed manner.
But have ever thought that the nature and personality of the person are dependent on the month and the season in which he or she is born.
According to the season and the name of the month, there are various Astrological months as well. In these seasons one of the most important seasons in Pausha month.

What is Pausha Month?

The Pausha month comes between December and January according to the Western Calendar. Pausha month starts from the first day after no moon to no moon. The moon lies in the Pushya constellation on full moon night during this month. Pausha month is the December-January month as per the Western calendar.  Poush Month is the tenth month in a traditional Hindu calendar followed in North India.
Paush Month 2019 – 2020 begins on December 12, 2019, and ends on January 10, 2020. This calendar is followed mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, and other North Indian states. A month in these regions is calculated from the day after Purnima or full moon to the next Purnima.

People Born in Pausha Month

Pausha is a unique month. It is considered both the most auspicious month and also inauspicious. People who are born in Pausha month are colorful, devoted to father and earns a good name.
As it is clear that people born in Pausha month are born in December and January. Let’s have a look at how these people are.

  • According to the Western Astrology people born in Pausha month are Sagittarius and Capricorn.
  • December born people are most probably are left-handed especially boys.
  • December born people are honest, fair and soft by their nature.
  • They can be a good support system as they have a supporting nature.
  • They are fortunate enough to get the best in their life.
  • These people are highly organized and manage things tactfully.
  • Owing to their charismatic personalities, January borns are often an inspiration to others.
  • Due to their influential personality, they are often the center of attention, making people want to be in their shoes.
  • Kids with birthdays in January often end up being a little bit older than the rest of their classmates, which gives them an advantage in school athletics.
  • People who are born in January are creative problem-solvers.

To know more about different seasons and personalities of different people you can follow our latest blogs.

Else you can also learn Vedic Astrology from the Institute of Vedic Astrology and know this information in detail.

भाग्य को चमकाने वाला फिरोजा

Gems & Crystal Therapy

नीले रंग का महत्व :- यूं तो दुनिया में बहुत सारे रंग हैं और बहुत सारे रत्न होते हैं, परंतु फिर भी नीला आसमानी रंग एक अपना विशिष्ट स्थान रखता है। समुद्र को दूर से देखे तो उसका रंग नीला होता है। आसमान का रंग नीला होता है। बहुत से फूलो का रंग नीला होता है। इस प्रकार नीला आसमानी रंग मनुष्य के जीवन से बहुत गहरा जुड़ा हुआ होता है। वह उसके मन मस्तिष्क पर बहुत प्रभाव डालता है। मन को सुकून देता है और एक शांति का अनुभव कराता है।

फिरोजा क्या है :- फिरोजा जनसाधारण के बहुत करीब रहने वाला एक रत्न है, जिसे अधिक संख्या में लोग पहनते हैं। हरिताश्म में नाम से इस रत्न का उल्लेख संस्कृत ग्रंथों में भी प्राप्त होता है। नीला आसमानी रंग का यह पत्थर भारत में भी पाया जाता है। यह उन रंगों में जो आसमानी से मिलते जुलते होते हैं, उपलब्ध होता है। हल्के किंतु प्रखर चमकदार रंग वाला पत्थर सर्वोत्तम होता है। जबकि हरे पीले रंग से युक्त फिरोजा नीची जाति का माना जाता है। यह पत्थर रंग की दृष्टि से बहुत ही सुकुमार परिवर्तनशील प्रभावी किंतु अल्प जीवी होता है।

असली और नकली रत्न :- फिरोजा रत्न की लोकप्रियता को देखते हुए। कुछ लोगों ने इसका कृत्रिम निर्माण प्रारंभ कर दिया है। जोकि असली रत्न जैसे प्रभाव नहीं दे पाता है। इसलिए यदि हम बाजार में फिरोजा रत्न लेने जाएंगे, तो हमें नकली रत्न मिलने की संभावना ज्यादा है, परंतु जब असली, शुद्ध, निर्दोष फिरोजा मिल जाए, तो वह धारण करने वाले को बहुत प्रकार से लाभ पहुंचाता है।

फिरोजा एक कवच के रूप में :- कुछ लोग इसे शुक्र रत्न, हीरे का पूरक मानते हैं, तो कुछ लोग इसे शनि रत्न का। यह मतलब नीलम का पूरक मानते हैं। अधिकांश लोगों की धारणा है कि शरीर रक्षा के लिए इसे कोई भी पहन सकता है। यह रत्न सौभाग्य दायक, सुरक्षाकारी, रोग-बीमारी, दुर्घटना का निवारक और शरीर पोषक होता है। इसके धारण करने से रक्त दोष, रक्ताल्पता, नेत्र विकार आदि रोग दूर हो जाते हैं। स्त्रियों के लिए यह सौभाग्य दाई, स्वास्थ्यवर्धक, दांपत्य प्रेम का पोषक, सौंदर्य प्रदाता और भौतिक वायव्य बाधाओं से रक्षा करने वाला होता है। भूत-प्रेत, नजर, देवी आपदा से बचाव करने में फिरोजा प्रसिद्ध है। जो रत्न को धारण कर रहा है, उस पर यदि कोई विपदा आती है, तो ऐसे अवसर पर फिरोजा का रंग बदल जाता है। रंग परिवर्तन इस बात की सूचना देता है, कि धारक पर कोई आपदा आ रही है और फिरोजा उसे झेल रहा है। कभी-कभी आपदा के अदृश्य प्रभाव से यह चटक या टूट भी जाता है।

एक चमत्कारी रत्न फिरोजा :- फिरोजा एक चमत्कारी या देव रत्न है। इसकी एक खासियत यह होती, कि जब धारण करने वाले पर कोई विपत्ति या संकट आने वाला होता है, तब यह अपना रंग बदल देता है। इस बात की पुष्टि करने के लिए यदि हम उस फिरोजा को उस संकटग्रस्त व्यक्ति के पास से हटाकर दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाएं, जहां विपत्ति ना हो, तो फिरोजा फिर से अपना पहले वाला रंग ले लेता है। इस तरह फिरोजा एक सूचक के रूप में कार्य करता है। यह रत्न हमें संकट से सावधान रहने का संकेत दे देता है।

फिरोजा के बारे में मान्यता:- फिरोजा के बारे में यह मान्यता है, कि खरीदा हुआ फिरोजा लाभकारी नहीं होता। यह तभी अपना शुभ प्रभाव दिखाता है, जब कोई अन्य व्यक्ति अपने पैसे से खरीद कर प्रेम और सद्भावना के साथ किसी को भेंट उपहार के रूप में दे, उपहार में प्राप्त ऐसे फिरोजा रत्न धारक को स्वस्थ और आनंद देते हैं। इसे धारण करने के लिए शुभ दिन अथार्त शुक्रवार या शनिवार को पहना जाए, तो यह विशेष लाभकारी रहता है। किंतु सारी गुणवत्ता इसके असली होने पर निर्भर है।

फिरोजा को पाने के स्थान :- सोहलवीं सदी में फिरोजा तुर्की में पाया जाता था। इसके अलावा दक्षिण आस्ट्रेलिया, चीन, ब्राजील, और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के कुछ हिस्सों में पाया जाता है, और अब की स्थिति में यह भारत में भी पाया जाता है। परंतु फिरोजा रत्न को धारण करने के पूर्व उसका असली या नकली होना लाभ देने या हानि देने के लिए उत्तरदाई होता है। इसलिए चमकदार रंगवाला शुद्ध और सात्विक फिरोजा ही पहनना शुभ होगा।

फिरोजा चिकित्सा शास्त्र में उपयोगी :- फिरोजा चिकित्सा शास्त्र में बहुत उपयोगी है। यह उच्च रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित करता है, तथा ह्रदय रोग में लाभ पहुंचाता है। मनुष्य के रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित कर उसे स्वस्थ बनाता है, तथा साथ ही उसके व्यक्तित्व में निखार लाता है। अध्यात्म के क्षेत्र में यदि साधना करनी हो, तब उसमें फिरोजा बहुत ही सहयोगी रत्न साबित होता है।

इसी तरह के अन्य रत्नो के बारे अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए आप हमारे सर्वश्रेठ संसथान इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ वैदिक एस्ट्रोलॉजी से जेम्स और क्रिस्टल थेरेपी में दूरस्थ पाठ्यक्रम द्वारा अध्ययन कर सकते है। जो आपको इसे अध्ययन करने के लिए सरल और आसान भाषा पाठ्यक्रम उपलब्ध करता है।

Learn Feng Shui and Vastu for Harmonious living

Learn Feng Shui and Learn Vedic Vastu

When a house wants to fulfill the basic needs in the structure and appearance, there are certain qualities that the house has to agree with certain agreements with Vastu. In some countries like China, Japan, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, and many other Asian countries is pronounced as Feng-Shui believers. When you want the basics of the subjects, you can learn Feng Shui from some of the basic courses online and offline from the Institute of Vedic Astrology.

Make Your Entrance Pleasant

Some Feng Shui and Vastu lessons state that the main door is not only the entrance for you but it is the entrance for fortune, positivity, and abundance as well. Make them beautiful by greenery; infuse them with nice colors and fragrance. It is also good if you use some mild lights, plants, crystals, flags, and fountains.

The Functioning Of The Things

Make the entire thing in your home works properly like the doors and windows are opened and closed effortlessly, remotes have proper batteries and functioning properly, etc. when there are any improper functions in any system it is necessary to immediately change or repair them.

Have Bedroom Only For Relaxation

Your bedroom is the place for relaxation; do not use them for restlessness, mindlessness or exertion. Choose pleasant colors like baby pink, light blue, and off-white for your bedroom wall color. To learn more you can also choose the Vastu or Feng Shui course offered in the Institute of Vedic astrology, Indore.

Create Free Passage

Feng Shui is the element of wind and water. When they walk into your home it is important to have no restrictions for them. This implies that there is a right flow of energy and harmony in a home. Also, it is necessary to clean the window often and make them clean since it is the eye to the world to view.

There are several Vastu courses in some colleges like IVA Indore and you can choose them to be a master in the field as they are offering you online training and correspondence course in Feng Shui and Vedic Vastu

Vastu For Kitchen

Food is the basic requirement for a living being and the kitchen is the place where you cook food. As per Vastu South-East direction is the right place to construct them since it is the place for the fire God. When it comes to science, it is the place where infrared ray comes from east and ultraviolet ray comes from the south and harms some germs like bacteria, virus, etc. other option will be North-West since there will be good air circulation that is required for burning, Learn Vedic Vastu to know more.

Vastu For Bedroom

The bedroom should far away from the North and East direction, the closer to West or South is considered to have the best. Build your master bedroom in the Southwest or South area to have good harmony.

Vastu For Drawing Or Living Room

Based on the utility of the room it is preferred to build them in the mid-east or Midwest. If your house is North or North-West facing it is better to build them in Northwest or the North-East direction.

It is commonly found to have a high demand for Vastu consultant to have good growth and peaceful life in the family. The scope of a Vastu & Feng Shui consultant is also very high. You can also choose them as a career by learning the course in one of the best institutes of India & USA i.e. Institute of Vedic astrology, which is ready to give you the best quality education and knowledge of Feng Shui and Vastu. Join anytime and from anywhere to enhance your living experience.



How to name your Newborn according to Vedic Astrology?

Naming a newborn kid is really a tough task. We have to look for so many things to name a child. If you are living in India and believe in Indian customs and traditions then you would have also known that you must choose your newborn name according to his or her horoscope and astrological signs.
Every person is born under the astrological aspect and the planetary movements at their time of birth. Before naming your newborn child you should create his or her horoscope and then the horoscope will suggest the name letter according to their zodiac sign.

Naming a newborn is a very important custom in Indian culture which is followed by ritual and traditional ceremony by the family members to make that moment memorable. The second important task is to name a child which will suit his personality in the future.

As we all know our name holds our identity for our whole life so one should also get the name which will suit his personality and work in the future and people will remember his or her name easily.

Why name a child as per Astrology? 

Every zodiac sign and horoscope holds different faculties and specialties according to which their name letter gets developed. Name letter according to horoscope includes whole information about the letter as well that how that letter will work on their child in the future and what benefits he or she will get after getting the particular name.

Here are some suggestions according to the child’s astrological sign (zodiac sign) that which letter will suit their personality and give them benefits in the future.

  • Aries- La, Li, Le, Aa.
  • Taurus- Va, Vi, Vu, Ae.
  • Gemini- Ka, Ki, Ke, Ko.
  • Cancer- Hi, Hu, Da, Di.
  • Leo- Mi, Ma, Me, Ta Ti
  • Virgo- Pi, Pa, Sh.
  • Libra- Ra, Re, Ri, Ru, Ti.
  • Scorpio- Na, Ni, No, Ya.
  • Sagittarius- Ye, Yo, Bha, Fha.
  • Capricorn- Ga, Gi, Ja, Ji.
  • Aquarius- Sa, Su, Se, Da.
  • Pisces- Di, Du, De, Do.

Naming your child according to Astrology is not a big deal today if you know and understand the Astrology. If you don’t want to consult an Astrologer you can learn Astrology by yourself through the Institute of Vedic Astrology. Here you will get the knowledge about reading horoscope, predicting life events, career suggestion and many other things about a native’s life.

As well as you can get live classroom type experience from our Online Video Course of Vedic Astrology from our institute’s expert Astrologer.

Grah Shanti Puja for New House

Our house is our happy place. Whenever a new child is born it is necessary to give them basic vaccinations and treatments, so that they can live a healthy and happy life in future, so as your home.
Your home is place where you have to stay for life so, it is necessary to keep our new house healthy and negativity free before entering there.
Ancient people use to believe that our house is the living entity and we should keep our house positive and harmonious by applying Vastu and basic Vastu related pooja before going to live there.

In Indian community people believes that it is always good to perform ‘Grah Shanti Pujan’ in the newly constructed house.
It is the method of doing holy process to make your house sacred and pure after the construction. It is done by the astrologer or by the experienced Hindu priest (Pandit) in Hindu community.
Our house is surrounded by many energies, some positive and negative and at the place your house is constructed or developed also has its past energies both positive and negative. It is important to keep the balance between both the energy to spend happy life ahead in the new house.

What is Grah Shanti Puja?
There are nine planets in our horoscope. Each planet has its good and bad influence on our life. Our house is also made up of some planetary influences. When planets change their positions, sometimes it will cause bad effect as well. To control those bad influences and energies in your house Grah shanti pujan is done, so that our lives will not influenced by the bad planetary effect and it will remain peaceful.
This puja is performed to drive away all the faults (dosha) of the bad planets and increases the flow of positive energy in the house and family. Hindu priest (pandit) performs grah shanti puja as per the Vedic rituals and Hindu customs bases on the birth date of the owner.

Benefits of doing puja-

  • Creates the flow of positive energy in the house.
  • Maintains peace and harmony
  • Keep the balance between good and the bad planetary effects
  • Grants happiness, peace, prosperity and harmony to the house.
  • Turns the bad influence of the planet into positive.

Keeps the family member healthy, stress free, energetic and happy.

To know more about Vastu related activities and rituals Learn Vedic Vastu online, with Institute of Vedic Astrology with their Online Combo Course of Vedic Vastu.

Applying Industrial Vastu for success and profit

Vastu is applied in every house, flat, office and in many other living spaces but nowadays people have started applying Vastu in their business and Industries as well.
It is very important to maintain your house as per Vastu but on the same hand it also important to maintain peace and prosperity in your industrial area or working space. Working in Vastu blessed place is another harmonious experience for everyone. There are end of things one should look after in his or her industry.
If you owe an Industry or a huge business then it is the place where you will get success, profit, fame, goodwill and wealth, so it is important to make that place positive and free from evil energy.
When people apply Vastu in their living or working spaces they will feel more positive and energetic in that place.
To keep your employees and workers happy and dedicated to their work, you have to provide them a better environment and vibes to work there. It is very important to keep your employees and workers motivated to work to cope up with the market and competition.
There are several many more things that should be considered while setting Vastu guidelines for industry, factory or office space.  Like- selection of the site, position for machines and electronic gadgets, kitchen, administration room, chairman’s room, manager room, etc everything must be at the right place to maintain harmony and strength in the industry.

Institute of Vedic Astrology has basic and important industrial Vastu tips for you, which you can apply in your new or old Industry or business place to gain better results. Though, it is the time of market challenges and competition, here every business person wants to be on the top with great profits and goodwill. These tips will surely help you to maintain Vastu in your industry.

– Keep the Northeast corner of the factory clean and garbage-free, therefore don’t dump or keep any sought of garbage there.

– You can keep your heavy raw material and finished goods in the West, Southeast or either South corner places.

– The water tank is advised to be kept in the Southwest corner.

– Every place has kitchen for the mini preparations at the time or break or lunch so your factory or workplace kitchen should be placed in the Southeast direction because the god of fire also resides at the same place.

-Heavy machines or the light-weighted machines should be located in the South or West sides but avoid the center.

Learn Online Vastu to explore more ideas and tips related to Vastu in your Industry. IVA Indore is the perfect place for you to get the quality knowledge about Vastu at your home by their Online Distance Learning Course. Then what are you waiting for join soon to become a successful business person with the help of Vastu.

How learning Palmistry can be helpful for you –

We all have many questions in our mind like, where I’m going in life, will I be successful, I will be healthy or not or I will travel or not? These questions are normal in every person’s mind but not every person knows the answers behind these questions. You can get answers to these type question related to your life, career, relationship, job and health with the help of Palmistry.
Learning Palmistry can be helpful in every situation of life because it includes information about the person from his life to death.
Palmistry is basically the art of reading palms of the human beings to know about their life, relationships, health, career, personality traits and many things.
There are different lines in human’s hand which tells many different aspects of the person and his or her life.
It is quite interesting to know that the Palmist (palm reader) can tell you about your past present and future only by reading your hand and lines on it. It is the most interesting yet informational art in this world.
Not only in India but people around the world trusts in Palmistry in most of the cases in their life.
Palmistry is an ancient art which is believed by many huge ancient personalities and they had applied it in their life to make it better and to control many things in their life.

-If you will learn palmistry you can help others to get to know about their life and related things.
– You can start your part time career in Palmistry and can become an expert in it.
– You get information of your life and future, as Palmistry is the way to connect with your future and to know about it.
– Learn Palmistry to get control on your weaknesses and low points which is affecting your life.

There are more benefits of learning Palmistry, all you need is to learn and understand it.

If you want to Learn Palmistry you can join known Institutes of Palmistry or you can learn it online. Institute of Vedic Astrology is the institute which is here to offer online distance learning diploma course in Palmistry with their quality education system, under the expert’s guidance.

The Scorpio People

If you are scared from the name of Scorpio or thinking that the people are as dangerous as their zodiac sign then maybe you are wrong! Don’t just judge them with their name but know the real characteristics of this sign.
As every sign is special and different from each other by their nature, behavior, personality traits, like, dislikes and may other faculties, this sign also holds special and unique characteristics in their life.
If you or your any family member, friend or colleague is Scorpio you can easily relate to this.

It is believed that Scorpio sign is the most intense and sensual sign in all the zodiac signs. They are known for their passion, willpower, determination, assertiveness and firmness. They are the people who are always in the search of truth.
Scorpio sign has influence of the moon on it which makes them more sensitive where they often need to bring their emotions into balance.

Scorpios are always faithful towards their family and would readily fulfill all their familial problems.

They have a competitive nature which can serve them well at work and they pursue success with their determination.
Due to their mysterious nature they are quite different and are irresistibly attractive. They are bold and decisive with their financial decisions and take better financial decisions but they don’t risks in their work or life.
If we talk about their relationship faculties then they are the best partners you can ever have. Scorpios are very traditional with their love relationships and mostly prefer to be committed. When they are in relationship they will want to know everything about you. They try to connect spiritually with their partners and they will always protect their loved once and stand next to them in every situation.

Positive Qualities of Scorpio’s-

– They are always focused in their work and life to get better results for their efforts and energy.
– They are brave to face any situation or to take any decision.
– Always loyal with their nature
They are faithful by their nature as you can trust them easily.
– Scorpio’s are mostly ambitious and ready to face new challenges in their life to do something different from others.

Negative Qualities of Scorpio’s-

– Sometimes they are jealous of other people in some situations like personality, wealth, career or for their own partner.
– They possessive towards their things and people.
– They are the most secretive people you can ever see. They can keep secrets for a longer span of time.
– They are worst for their dominating nature, as they can dominate every person who is connected with them personally or professionally.
– Sometimes they are unsympathetic and rude in their nature for others, sometimes intentionally or sometimes unintentionally.

To know more about zodiac signs by Learning Astrology.  Institute of Vedic Astrology is here to offer you Combo Course in Vedic Astrology with their Online Distance Learning Course. Become an Astrology expert with IVA.